Clenbuterol Results – What You Can Expect
If you are like most people, then you want to know what kind of Clenbuterol results you can expect before going to all of the trouble to procure and use the product.
When used correctly and at the right doses, the Clenbuterol results are nothing short of spectacular.
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What Clenbuterol Will (and Will Not) Do
Before you can begin to truly understand the Clenbuterol results that you could see, it is important to know that this product will not work miracles.
Any nutritionist will tell you that the only way to lose weight – the only way – is to use more calories than you consume.
This means that you have to cut calories and exercise in order to see any results at all.
Simply put, the Clenbuterol results you see are a direct reflection of your desire to work for them. it simply helps you get there.
For those Who are Overweight
However, people who are overweight and who have implemented outstanding diet and exercise programs often hit plateaus in their weight loss endeavors.
They may lose 30 pounds but get stuck when it comes to the last 10. In situations like these, it can certainly come to the rescue.
It helps speed up the metabolism just enough, along with diet and exercise, to melt away those last few pounds.
Clenbuterol For Athletes and Bodybuilders
Athletes and bodybuilders may not look like they need to Lose Weight on the outside, but subcutaneous fat stores (fat just below the skin) can prevent them from obtaining the hard, toned, vascular look that you often see on stage.
Remember that the body always tries to maintain some fat, as this is a source of energy that it can fall back on during lean times.
Because of this, even the fittest of the fit experience plateaus when it comes to fat burning.
Bodybuilders turn to this product to shed those few pounds of subcutaneous fat and get the toned look they want, and you can see the results in their solid physiques.
Average Clenbuterol Results for Athletes
The average bodybuilder has a body fat percentage of anywhere from 5% to 8%.
With this in mind, the results that you should expect depend a lot on the amount of body fat burning you have to do to start with.
For example, an athlete with 10% body fat who wants to get to 7% may very well do so on a single Clen cycle.
Conversely, someone with 6% body fat will have more difficulty getting down to 5%.
As mentioned, this is due to the body’s natural tendency to hold on to fat stores.
How will Results Make You Feel
Some of the anabolic effects of Clenbuterol may lead to results indirectly, as well.
Though it is fat burning and thereby designed to melt away unwanted fat by its very nature, it is also a stimulant, which means you can count on it for a boost of energy.
These effects resemble Caffeine in many ways, so you can anticipate feeling as if you’ve consumed a large energy drink or a couple cups of strong coffee after each dose.
For the most part, this is beneficial in that it will keep you focused and alert, but you may also experience some unwanted side effects.
These include, but are not limited to:
- Shaking, trembling, and/or jitters.
- Feelings of Anxiety and uneasiness.
- Rapid heartbeat.
- Increased Sweating.
- Increased blood pressure.
- Sleep disturbances like insomnia or interrupted sleep.
For the most part, these effects will get better on their own over time.
Most people note that slowly titrating their doses helps them enjoy the best possible Clenbuterol results without the same potential for side effects.
Planning for Optimal Results
Your body will quickly develop a tolerance, which means you will need to carefully titrate your Clenbuterol dosage to balance the benefits with the side effects.
The best way to get outstanding Clenbuterol results without the harsh stimulant side effects involves gradually increasing your dose over the course of two weeks, taking a two-week break, then using for two weeks again in a cycle.
You can find a sample two-week cycle in the chart below.
Daily Timeframe | Daily Dose for Men | Daily Dose for Women |
Remember, however, that you should increase your dose day-by-day rather than every three days.
This is merely an indication of where you should be with your dosage during a cycle.
Not everyone can tolerate these doses, and if this is the case for you, simply note the maximum dose that works for you and stop there.
What If You Don’t Get the Results You Expected?
It can certainly help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted, but it can’t do so alone.
For this reason, if your results are disappointing, there are a few things you can take into consideration.
These include your diet, exercise program, dose, and cycle.
They all work together synergistically to provide you with the weight loss you expect.
Dose –
Your maximum dose may vary based on your own personal tolerance, but it’s important to increase your dose each day throughout the two-week cycle to get results.
Diet –
You can’t get good results if you don’t follow a strict diet.
Consume fewer calories than you burn, and be certain that you’re getting the macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need.
Low-fat, high-protein diets are best, and you should also replace simple carbohydrates with more complex ones, like whole grains.
Exercise –
In addition to any resistance training or weightlifting designed to keep your muscle tissue healthy, you should also do cardio or high-intensity aerobic exercise for 45 minutes to an hour every other day.
This will help you burn more calories than weightlifting alone.
Cycle –
Remember to take for two weeks, then take a break, and then start again to see the best possible results.
This keeps your body in the thermogenic state required for a boosted metabolism, thus amplifying your diet and exercise efforts.
Clenbuterol Results vary from person to person.
If you truly want to shed pounds of body fat and obtain a hardened look suitable for contests, consider pairing with a popular cutting steroid such as Winstrol.
The two have synergistic anabolic effects that can bust plateaus and give you the body you crave.
The Best Time To Take Clenbuterol
There is a great deal of debate over the best way and time to take Clenbuterol.
Some people advocate short-burst cycles, but others find that longer 12- to 16-week cycles work best.
Despite the debate over the methods for cycling and taking, there is some advice that everyone can follow to truly get the best results.
Learning when to take Clenbuterol can make a tremendous difference in the way you look and feel.
What It Does To Metabolism
A bronchodilator that belongs to the same class of drugs as albuterol, and this means that it was originally designed to dilate patients’ airways when they were suffering from respiratory distress.
Both are stimulants, and the stimulant properties create some side effects.
Of these, the drugs’ ability to increase core body temperature and boost metabolism is coveted by athletes around the world.
This process, known as thermogenesis, causes the body to metabolize calories and burn through existing fat stores far more quickly.
As a result, bodybuilders will often turn to when they want to shed unwanted fat without fear of losing muscle mass.
Effects When You Take Clenbuterol
Although it is very true that Clenbuterol for sale can help you shed unwanted pounds, it is important to keep in mind that it is a stimulant and will create stimulant-like effects.
These include everything from nervousness and Anxiety to tremors and even heart palpitations.
People who have existing heart conditions or who are taking other stimulants, prescription or otherwise, should not take Clenbuterol.
Beware, it also known for causing insomnia; in fact, this is a chief complaint among users.
For those using higher doses of 100mcg per day or more during their cycles, dividing the dose in half and taking it twice during the day does seem to help with the stimulant effects of Clenbuterol.
However, taking it too late in the day can interfere with the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
For this reason, when asking when to take, it is best to take it well before you plan to turn in for the night.
When to Take Clenbuterol
Most people find that taking early in the morning gives them a solid boost of energy and helps to keep their appetites at bay throughout the day.
Of course, asking others when to take Clenbuterol may yield different answers.
Some people divide their dose and take half in the morning and half again during the lunchtime hours as this can ward off some of the worst of the jitters, all while providing all-day energy.
If you are interested in learning when to take in relation to workouts, there are some people who advise taking half your daily dose in the morning and the other half about 30 minutes prior to your main workout for the day.
Again, some people feel that the energy provided helps them get more from their workouts, but others feel as if Clen’s stimulant effect is too much to handle during workouts.
When to Dose During the Year
Aside from having questions about when to take Clenbuterol during the day, many people also have questions about what time of the year is best.
This depends on your goals and what you hope to achieve.
If you are taking to lose weight, then there’s no one right answer.
Just make sure you are prepared to make the required lifestyle changes in order to truly reap the benefits of this product.
On the other hand, if you are taking to achieve muscle definition before a competition, or to tone your summer beach body, then you will want to plan your cycles for the weeks just prior.
For safety reasons, you should not take for more than 16 weeks out of any given year.
Some studies have shown that long-term and/or excessive use can lead to heart problems, so limiting your stacking cycles can help minimize risks.
You might choose to take continuously for the full 16 weeks; this is the best way to take for weight loss.
On the other hand, if you are trying to achieve vascularity and definition before a Competition, and if you compete more than once each year, you might choose to break this up into two annual eight-week cycles, instead.
Again, deciding when to take is easier when you consider your goals throughout the entire year and plan accordingly.
Learning when to take to get the best possible Clenbuterol results is often a matter of trial and error, but for the most part, dividing the dose in half and taking at least half in the morning provides a great boost of energy early on.
You can take the other half before a workout or sometime in the afternoon, but be sure to provide yourself at least a six-hour cushion before you go to bed.
This way, you can fall asleep easily and stay asleep through the night.